How Is TH Performed?

How is ThetaHealing™ Performed?

Nothing takes place in ThetaHealing™  without you giving your permission every step of the way. This is not only out of respect for your free will but also because your subconscious mind tends to automatically reject any change to which you have not given your verbal consent

There are many processes, but the most basic one is outlined below to give you a general idea.

First, Theta practitioner identifies any limiting subconscious beliefs you may have through muscle testing. .

Second, Theta  practitioner meditates briefly in a particular way to “ground”  energy.

Third, Theta practitioner  enters into a conscious Theta brainwave (a meditative state) and energetically travel to the Source of the creative energy of the universe.

This creative force, the essence of pure wisdom and pure love, is known by an infinite variety of names.

People call it God, Source, Universe, All That Is, Creator, Buddha, etc. You don’t have to believe in the traditional God to recognize that there is a powerful, mysterious, and intelligent life force both inside and outside us which every creature shares.

This is the force Theta Practitioner contact and utilize when he/she does ThetaHealing™.

I  call it Creator of All That IS, .

Fourth, Theta practitioner commands  a change in the subconscious beliefs, feelings, knowledge, or health state. A change is commanded, and it can come in the form of a teaching, a belief change, or a healing that the practitioner commands and witnesses..

The practitioner will muscle test the client before and after working with a belief to find out what has or hasn’t changed, and then proceeds accordingly until all issues in that area are resolved.

Disclaimer: Information received from sessions are not intended to diagnose,treat or replace professional medical advise or treatment.My services may serve as a complement to ,but are not in no way a substitute for medical advise. My clients are solely responsible for how they choose to use any information they gain from our sessions together.


Theta Healing Sessions